
6th July 2024 - Derek OBrien

Czech U18 finish group stage with win over GB

The Czech U18 team won the last match of the group stage over the team from Great Britain by a score of 18-1. Marek Šťástka led the Czech offense with four goals, while Tadeáš Kantor and Jan Pavlík registered hat tricks. It is also worth mentioning the fact that the Czechs scored eight goals on the power play. Wilson Hibbard scored GB's third goal of the tournament. Tomorrow, the Czechs will play for the bronze medal against Slovakia, while GB will face Switzerland for fifth place.
Shots on goal

Goals and assists

1. Kantor (Palán, Mikula), 2. Šťástka (Pavlík, Kachlík), 2. Šimůnek (Štulc, Jedelský), 5. Kantor (Palán, Štástka), 11. Šťástka (Šlechta), 15. Šťástka (Havlík, Palán), 18. Šťástka (Štulc, Havlík), 20. Hlaváček (Kumpan, Šlechta) 22. Kachlík (Štulc, Šťástka), 22. Šimůnek (Číž), 27. Kantor (Hlaváček, Trnečka), 27. Pavlík (Šťástka, Havlík), 29. Rod (Palán), 32. Mikula (Palán, Pavlík), 34. Pavlík, 40. Klement (Havlík, Mikšovský), 41. Pavlík (Kumpan), 45. Rod (Kachlík, Havlík) - 26. Hibbard (Bolger)


Roman Šefčík, Miroslav Sála

Official game sheet

Czechia U18

Koudela (24. Trnečka) - Štulc, Puzder, T. Koudela, Palán, Martínek (A), Havlík, Pavlík, Kumpan - Kraus, Kantor, Mikšovský, Kachlík (C), Šlechta, Hlaváček, Šťástka, Číž, Klement, Šimůnek, Jedelský (A), Rod, Mikula

Great Britain U18

Mroczynski - Benson, Booth, Mullan (C), Kerkhoff, Oughton-Shaw, Gray, Waterhouse - Bolstridge, Williamson, Farrow, Winstanley, Mehrvand, Pick, T. Benson, Wells, Kamm, Hibbard, Pendall, Bolger (A)


Vít Čapek (CZE): "I think that every game should be played to the fullest, there was nothing to save energy for. We are satisfied with the result, but we have two injured players, which saddens me greatly. I hope that in the bronze medal match against the Slovaks it will be better than in the group stage. We have something to repay them for and we definitely want to win the bronze medal."

Callum Wilson (GBR): "We started well, we wanted to try and get at them as much as we could and disrupt them, and we did that. We know that they absolutely love to score from the backdoor, so we tried our best to stop that where we could. But they’re a very good team, so they were still able to do that at times. Our aggressive play cost us a bit too many penalties, so we have to try and find the right balance of aggression without taking penalties which is something we’ll look to do going forward.”